An epic novel of family, betrayal, and revenge
Listen to Ed Goldberg’s interview with J. K. Knauss on Portland’s All Classical

Watch the author read an exciting excerpt from Seven Noble Knights at the Harvard Book Store.
Spain, 974. Gonzalo, a brave but hotheaded knight, unwittingly provokes tragedy at his uncle’s wedding to beautiful young noblewoman Lambra: the adored cousin of the bride dead, his teeth scattered across the riverbank. Coveting his family’s wealth and power, Lambra sends Gonzalo’s father into enemy territory to be beheaded, unleashing a revenge that devastates Castile for a generation.
A new hero, Mudarra, rises out of the ashes of Gonzalo’s once great family. Raised as a warrior in the opulence of Muslim Córdoba, Mudarra must make a grueling journey and change his religion, then chooses to take his jeweled sword to the throats of his family’s betrayers. But only when he strays from the path set for him does he find his true purpose in life.
Inspired by a lost medieval epic poem, Seven Noble Knights draws from history and legend to bring a brutal yet beautiful world to life in a gripping story of family, betrayal, and love.
Many more presentations, interviews, and fun are linked at this blog post.
Praise for Seven Noble Knights
“This appealing novel seems a bit of Romeo and Juliet overlaid with Spanish Christians and Moorish Muslims. It is a story of vengeance and young love set in a uniquely fascinating setting within medieval Europe. …there are several very well-done short combat scenes. The contrast between the technically advanced but decadent opulence of Córdoba and the relatively simple but proud character of Christian Spain is fascinating. I look forward to the sequel and will happily recommend this book.”
—Thomas J. Howley, Historical Novel Review (full review)
“Let Seven Noble Knights welcome you to historical fiction! …it’s a rich saga populated with characters you will grow to love (and a few you will love to hate). The ancient empires of Spain are a beautiful backdrop to the struggles of humankind across all generations of all lands: romance, revenge, war, and adventure.”
—Pushcart Prize nominee Reneé Bibby, The Writers Studio
“far more sympathetic to modern readers than the original… Knauss has managed to evoke the grandeur of the original epic—if there was one—while adapting it for contemporary readers without damaging the medieval fabric of the story. In doing so she has recreated a classic, and given us a gem of a novel to read.”
—Author Jay Ruud (full review)
“My eyes were glued to the pages and I kept blowing off my responsibilities so I could finish each chapter. ‘Just one more chapter,’ I’d tell myself, ignoring the growing piles of laundry I had to fold and dishes in the sink.”
—from a wonderful Goodreads review by Wendy, Lady Evelyn Quince
“According to Seven Noble Knights, medieval family values were not to be trifled with. … Knauss’s writing gets us involved with her characters, despite their extremely bloody behaviour. …puts us into the time, place and social mores so that we see the action from the point of view of someone of that era. …at times cinematic, her descriptions are convincing.”
—Author Seymour Hamilton (full review)
“I thoroughly enjoyed reading this historical novel! … One part of this wonderful story upset me so much that I had difficulty falling asleep that night.”
—Nancy from Goodreads (full review)
“Knauss explores family love, betrayal, revenge, identity, and destiny. Her complex tale gives us two heroes, hot-headed but noble Gonzalo and his brother the brilliant Mudarra, and many well-drawn fascinating characters who are true to their time and have their own virtues and flaws. …transports us to tenth-century Spain…”
—Author Kim Rendfeld (full review)
“Historical fiction done right. … If you enjoy historical books that actually transport you back to previous times, with genuine characters that make you believe you are living their story, I heartily recommend Seven Noble Knights. It… really is a fantastic work of historical fiction.”
—heidiandpona (full review)
“As I am bored of so many Vikings and Arthurian stories, I decided to give a try to medieval Spain…. Five stars.”
“…a living, breathing story about people who feel real and believable. The legend of the Seven Noble Knights comes alive, steeped in the colorful world of medieval Spain and brimming with vivid characters. … Very different and contrasting areas of Spain are presented through their sights, sounds, scents, tastes, and tactile features, resulting in a real treat for the reader.”
—Author Tinney Sue Heath (full review)
“A wonderful adaptation of an ancient Spanish medieval legend…”
—Amazon reviewer Francisco (full review)
Seven Noble Knights is available in ebook, paperback, and hardcover from Encircle Publications
Barnes and Noble | Better World Books | Book Depository
Encircle Publications | Indiebound | Indiebound hardcover | Your favorite indie bookstore
Launch Party: On December 12, 2020, J. K. Knauss got together on Zoom with the incomparable Susan Wands of the New York Historical Novel Society to talk about medieval Spain, strong women, knightly virtue, and other fun topics with an enthusiastic crowd of historical fiction readers. Watch the recording. And feel free to ask a question in the comments section!
J. K. Knauss signed books and chatted with readers at the Historical Novel Society’s Readers Festival, Saturday, June 24, 2017, 3:45 to 5:15 p.m. in Portland, Oregon. Tons of other great historical fiction authors were there. Check the Portland Barnes and Noble for a few rare signed copies.
J. K. Knauss read a thrilling scene from Seven Noble Knights and answered audience questions with author Nadine Kenney Johnstone at the Harvard Book Store on Wednesday, May 3, 2017, at 7 p.m. Did you miss it? Catch the video, full of violence and motherly affection, here.
Spring into Art in Saint Helens, Oregon! In the conference room at the library, J. K. Knauss briefly read from Seven Noble Knights, and many other excellent authors offered their snippets of prose. A book signing, with Seven Noble Knights, Awash in Talent, Tree/House, and Unpredictable Worlds available for discounted purchase, took place from 2 to 4 p.m., also at the library April 29, 2017. Did you miss it? Catch an intimate reading of Chapter I here.

Part One, Chapter I: The Siege of Zamora
Listen to the author reading this excerpt
Gonzalo González peered between the wild grasses where once had grown someone’s grain. He had lain in the dampness for so long that his boiled leather back plate and metal mail were weighing him down. He measured each fingerwidth of sunlight that revealed the golden stone walls of Zamora before him while the stars faded overhead. He had long since lost his sense of amazement at the Moors’ audacity. Three hundred of them had set up their camp and war machines before the city’s main gate, which remained barricaded.
He turned his face to see his uncle through the dewy stalks and whispered. “Why can’t we charge the Moors now, while they’re still asleep in their tents?”
“It’s not the right time,” Ruy Blásquez said through his teeth.
A groan escaped Gonzalo’s mouth. It never seemed to be the right time for Ruy Blásquez. Gonzalo, his six brothers, and a hundred other knights had arrived at their vantage point in the dark, but they’d made no fire, set up no tents, done nothing to break the silence or the monotony for those hours. Even the birds that morning withheld their songs, waiting along with Gonzalo for something, anything, to happen.
Gonzalo pulled at the tufts of grass and wrapped leaves around his fingers, then plucked them out again, counting: it had been a summer, a winter, and most of a springtime since the city gates had opened. His stomach clenched to think of the innocent Christian people inside the walls. Had they roasted their dogs and horses or gnawed on their boot leather? Had the rain been enough to heal their parched lips?
“Why didn’t the King of León ask for Count García’s help earlier? We Castilians could’ve saved Zamora and gone home months ago.”
“The King of León has concerns with Navarra and Barcelona and within León. He can’t be concerned with Zamora and the Moors all the time. But I would’ve liked to be here months ago.” Ruy Blásquez let out a snigger that caused a stir in the soldiers a few paces behind them with their swords, daggers, and bows. “This is your first foray for Count García. Months ago, you wouldn’t have been here asking stupid questions.”
“I’ve been into Andalusia with my brothers lots of times.”
“Gonzalico, breaking a siege is not like your happy little raids, where your brothers protected you from Moorish sheep and chickens.”
Gonzalo scowled. “Let me in there, uncle, and I’ll show you how prepared I am.”
“Hush!” Ruy Blásquez hissed.
Shifting his weight among the lumps in the earth, Gonzalo glimpsed a small figure creeping along the outside of the city wall. As the sky brightened, he estimated from his bare feet and the way his tunic fit that the blond boy had not completed ten years. He must have climbed through a hole in the barricades of a gate on the other side of the city. Gonzalo glanced at his uncle, whose older eyes hadn’t caught the movement.
He smiled to see the boy reach inside one of the enemy tents and pull out a steel scimitar. The young Zamoran carried it to the foot of a wooden siege tower, where he pulled something out of his rope belt. When he struck it against the blade in a flurry of sparks, Gonzalo let out a chuckle. Apparently, the boy intended to free Zamora by setting the enemy camp ablaze. He would make a brave knight in a few more years.
A warrior emerged from the tent where the boy had taken the scimitar. A dagger glinted in the nascent sunlight behind the boy.
This was the time to attack, whether Ruy Blásquez willed it or not. Taking his first deep breath since sundown, Gonzalo rose up and covered the ground faster than his uncle could say “Wait,” yet again. He thrust his sword into the infidel’s unprotected back. The enemy fell, but it was too late. The boy lay contorted and blood flowed from his neck and seeped into the soil.
Gonzalo cursed and spat. Pausing to catch his breath, he turned in the direction of his battalion and channeled his rage. “Our patron, Santiago, is with us! Death to the Moorish devils!”
His uncle came howling toward the enemy camp, sword aloft, and Gonzalo’s six brothers and the rest of the soldiers followed close behind, shouting “Santiago!”
When the murderer gurgled at his feet, Gonzalo hacked beneath his jawbone so that he bled as brutally as his last victim.
He picked up the boy and carried him, supporting his neck with care, to the cover of the siege tower while his cohort rushed past. The boy’s eyes had already glazed over. Gonzalo cursed again. Why would God allow the Moors to take such a young soldier from the world? He shut the eyelids and folded the arms across the still chest. He made the sign of the cross on the boy’s forehead. As soon as they had the Moors under control, he would make sure a priest blessed the boy.
“I will tell your mother how brave you were,” he said. He unsheathed his sword again and leapt into the shouting, shoving mass of warriors. He would chase the enemy away for good.
* * *

Suggestions for a Seven Noble Knights Reading Group
Download the Seven Noble Knights Reading Group Guide.
Serve jamón ibérico, saffron rice, or any Spanish delicacies you can get your hands on.
Dress up in medieval tunics and jewels.
Watch the book trailer. How would you have done it?
Contact the author for a visit or Skype session!